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15 food for high blood pressure | Foods | HEALTHIIFITT |

High blood pressure is a medical condition in which blood force against the artery is too high.

More than 10 million people in India are affected by high blood pressure every year.

If it is left untreated for long term it may result in a stroke.

High blood pressure can be treated by maintaining a healthy diet.

This article discusses 20 healthy food to maintain your blood pressure.


Eating 1/2 a cup of walnuts regularly helps in maintaining your blood pressure.

Walnuts improve blood flow.

Walnuts are rich in saturated fats, fiber, and magnesium that may be good for blood pressure.

2.Flax seeds:-

Many researches say flax seed a good choice for high blood pressure.

It helps to lower your blood pressure.

High blood pressure was reduced for people who consume flax seeds regularly.


Drinking beetroot juice in the morning is one of the quickest ways to reduce your blood pressure.

Beetroot juice helps in improving blood flow.

It also helps in improving heart health and prevents heart failures.


Not only salmon, other fishes like salmon which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids helps in lowering blood pressure.

Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids maintain heart health as well as lowering blood pressure.


Bananas are rich in potassium. 
Potassium helps in reducing high blood pressure.

Eating bananas regularly lowers the chances of getting high blood pressure.

6.Olive oil:-

Olive oil is rich in healthy fats. These healthy fats help in improving heart health.

Some studies have proven that consuming 2 tablespoons of olive oil regularly helps in lowering blood pressure.


Garlic is rich in essential vitamins and minerals. It has numerous health benefits like improving immunity, heart health, etc.

Garlic has a greater impact on reducing blood pressure.

Eating raw garlic is one of the herbal remedies followed for many years to treat high blood pressure.


Berries like blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries help in lowering blood pressure.

Berries are rich in antioxidants which play a key role in blood pressure.

9.Leafy greens:-

Leafy greens are one of the best choices for high blood pressure. They are rich in essential nutrients.

Leafy greens are rich in nitrates making them an ideal food for high BP patients.

It helps in controlling blood pressure surge.

10.Pumpkin seeds:-

Pumpkin seeds and their oils are some of the best choices. They are rich in magnesium, zinc, and fatty acids.

They help to keep your blood pressure and cholesterol in control which prevents heart disease.

11.Dark chocolate:-

Eating chocolates may be unhealthy, but dark chocolate is an effective alternative for chocolate lovers. 

They are rich in flavonoids which produce nitric acids that help in relaxing the blood vessels and maintaining blood pressure.


Pistachios are highly nutritious. They help in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.

They also help in maintaining a healthy heart.


Oats are rich in fiber. They are rich in a particular fiber called 
beta-glucan which helps in reducing high blood pressure.

Researches have proven that higher consumption of beta-glucan improves blood pressure regulation.


Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and essential acids which relaxes blood vessels. 

Eating raw carrots helps regulate your blood pressure and helps to maintain it in a healthy range.

Try to eat it raw which has more health benefits.


Celery is effective in lowering high blood pressure.

Chemical compounds in celery help in relaxing arteries and improving blood flow and reducing blood pressure.


Our regular food habits and lifestyle have a major impact on our blood pressure.

We should take  foods that are rich in nutrients that benefit our health.

So try to  eat healthy foods and try to avoid foods that affect your blood pressure.

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