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Back pain has become more and more common nowadays.

In the early days we used to see our parents or our grandparents are getting affected by back pain.

As age progresses everyone gets affected by normal back pain. 

But, nowadays even youngsters between the age of 18-30 also getting affected by back pain.

This is because of our regular activities, lifestyle, and food habits.

This post discusses causes, remedies, and foods to relieve back pain.

Let's get started! 

Common reasons for back pain:

Back pain is caused due to many reasons! 

Let's see some reasons that result in back pain:

Bad posture:-

A bad posture may result in back pain.

A bad posture means hunched back and neck always pointing downwards.

This causes strain in the spine and causes upper back pain.

Try to maintain a good posture.

Lack of exercise:-

Leading a lifestyle without any physical work like sitting long hours on a computer or any other things causes back pain.

Exercise must be done regularly to keep your body as well as your bones healthy.

Lack of exercise results in the weakening of backbones.


Smoking has many bad effects, one of them is back pain.

This is because of nicotine which reduces blood flow throughout the body.

This eventually degenerates your backbone and results in a medical condition called osteoporosis

Back pain relief tips at home:-

Have a long sleep:-

Having a long sleep helps your back to get more rest. Having more rest helps to recover.

You might feel relaxed the next day.

Perform some yoga stretches:-

There are certain stretches especially meant to relieve back pain.

Performing yoga stretches helps to relax your spine.

Make it a routine to perform stretches which eventually helps to relieve back pain.

Don't sit and work for longer hours:- 

Being in the same posture can result in the weakening of backbones which we have already discussed above.

If you are meant to be working for longer hours, try to have some relaxation period.

Relaxing for some time may reduce the tension on the back.

This reduces the negative impact on the spine.

Stretches to relieve back pain:-

Child pose:-

Child pose helps in relieving back pain.

This  pose particularly targets and stretches the spine.

Child pose helps to relieve tension in the back.

Cobra pose:- 

Cobra pose is beneficial for improving the flexibility of the spine.

Cobra pose helps in strengthening your lower back and spine.

Cobra pose not only improves spine health but also improves digestion.

Seated forward bend:-

Seated forward bend has many health benefits.

It stretches your entire body.

It helps in treating shoulder pain and back pain.

Foods that cause back pain:-

White sugar:-

White sugar causes many ill effects. 

Sugar degenerates bone health.

Overconsumption of white sugar results in back pain and joint pain.


Alcohol results in inflammation in the body. 

Alcohol can lead to muscle spasms which may cause back pain. 

Alcohol also dehydrates the water content in vertebral discs which results in back pain.

Foods that strengthens back:-


Some fishes are the best choice to treat back pain. Salmon is one of them.

Salmons are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which effectively strengthens back.

Olive oil:

Olive oil helps to reduce inflammation which relieves back and joint pain.

Olive oil lubricates each and every joint that help in smooth movements and avoid joint pain.


Nuts are one of the best choices for back pain.

Nuts are effective in treating back pain. This is because of the presence of wide range of nutrients.

Walnuts are considered the best for joints and back pain.


There are many remedies for back pain but it can be treated by, 

  • avoiding some foods 
  • performing certain exercises
  • consuming some healthy foods

If you are affected by back pain this post may be useful for you.

Hope you are benefited from the post.

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