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20 Best foods to improve your SKIN health | HEALTHIIFITT |

Are you worried about skin health!

Skin health can be maintained by consuming some fruits regularly.

This article discusses 27 foods that help in improving skin health.

Let's get started!


Avocados are rich in nutrients.

Fatty acids in avocados are extremely beneficial for the skin.

Avocados are also used as a face mask which has numerous benefits.

Eating one avocado per day helps in skin cell regeneration.


Tomato helps to improve your skin health.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, C, and folic acid. They are rich in antioxidants.

It protects the skin against UV radiation.

3.Olive oil:-

Olive is one of the great choices to improve your skin health.

Olive oil contains alpha-linolenic acid which has anti-aging properties. It also keeps your skin hydrated.

Olive oil can be directly applied to your skin.


Garlic has many health benefits.

Garlic has anti-bacterial as well as anti-aging properties. This helps to maintain healthy skin.

Garlic helps to treat acne.


Lemon is one of the famous foods for skin health.

This is because of the presence of vitamin c and antioxidants.

This improves skin health as well as reduces inflammation. 


Carrot is widely known for improving eye health due to the presence of beta-carotene.

But, carrot also benefits your skin by reducing the impact of UV rays on the skin.


All types of berries like strawberry, blueberry, and blackberries are beneficial for skin health.

Berries have antioxidants properties that may prevent cell damage.

Some researches have proven that berries may improve skin health.

8.Oily fish:-

Oily fishes like salmon, tuna, and sardines are extremely useful for skin health.

Fishes are generally rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This omega-3 fatty acid is the key compound which helps in keeping our skin healthy.


Turmeric is one of the famous kitchen spices used in south India.

Turmeric has a compound called curcumin. Curcumin has antioxidant and  anti-inflammatory properties.

Turmeric slows down the aging process.


Kiwi is rich in vitamin C and E. 

As we already discussed  above vitamin C improves skin health.

Kiwi also improves collagen production which prevents skin from getting wrinkles.

11.Coconut water:-

Coconut water is rich in electrolytes and vitamin C.

Coconut water helps in treating acne. It also keeps your skin hydrated.

12.Sweet potato:-

Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin E and C which improves your skin health.

Sweet potato improve collagen production. This prevents wrinkles on the skin.

13.Dark chocolate:-

Dark chocolate protects  your skin against the sun.

Dark chocolate improves blood flow and also keeps your skin hydrated.

It protects your skin from being affected by UV rays.

14.Sunflower seeds:-

Like walnuts, sunflower seeds contain an essential amount of fatty acids.

Zinc prevents inflammation and also helps in healing up of skin.

Sunflower seeds are rich in zinc and vitamin E which keep your skin healthy.


Banana is rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A helps to maintain moisture in the skin.

Banana peel can also be used for the face. 

Rubbing banana skin on your face helps in skin whitening and reduces wrinkles.


Papaya generally improves skin health. It is rich in antioxidants.

Papaya is rich in certain enzymes that boost skin health.

Papaya is also used as a face mask that has anti-aging properties.


Broccoli is a good choice to maintain skin health.

It contains all compounds required for skin health like vitamin C, E, and zinc.


Cucumber has anti-inflammatory properties. They also have cooling effects.

Cucumber is also is used for facial purposes.

They help treat acne.


Dates help to prevent melanin accumulation in the skin which results in skin tan.

Dates are also rich in vitamins that are essential to improve skin health.


Spinach also contains vitamins like A, C, and K.

Spinach also helps in treating acne and pimples.

It makes your skin fresh.


Above mentioned foods are effective in maintaining your skin health as well as treats skin infections.

If you want to improve skin health you should include healthy foods in your daily diet.

Eating healthy foods not only improves skin health but also your overall health.

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